Brain Injury Awareness Month
Brain Injury Awareness Month in June shines a spotlight on brain injury and how it impacts, not only an individual but their family and friends.
Why do we need Brain Injury Awareness Month?
In 2018, the Public Health Agency of Canada published a report, revealing that 50% of Canadians have little or no knowledge about concussion – the most common type of acquired brain injury – and that less than half of Canadians are aware of the concussion tools or resources that are available to them. These statistics highlight the urgent need for increased awareness and education about brain injury. It is also one of the main reasons why, every year in June, brain injury associations and advocates across Canada join together for Brain Injury Awareness Month (BIAM) to raise awareness of this epidemic through posters, events, and social media.
What is the goal of Brain Injury Awareness Month?
Spreading awareness is one of the most important steps we can all take to reduce the prevalence of brain injury and increase the public’s understanding of those affected by it. BIAM presents a vital opportunity to start a conversation about brain injury on a larger scale through local and national media as well as the various events and campaigns held throughout the country.
Having a month dedicated to brain injury awareness also promotes solidarity in the face of what is often an invisible disability. It reminds those affected by brain injury that they are not alone and directs them to the support programs available to them.
Brain Injury Can Happen to Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime.
Despite its prevalence, less than half of Canadians know about the most common brain injury, concussions. nor do they know what resources are available to address it according to a 2018 report published by the Public Health Agency of Canada
Awareness increases solidarity in the face of what is often an invisible disability. It reminds those affected by brain injury that they are not alone and directs them to the support programs available to them.
This is why, every year in June, brain injury associations and advocates across Canada join together for Brain Injury Awareness Month (BIAM)
Together, we raise awareness of the brain injury epidemic through posters, events, and social media campaigns.